Sunday, October 18, 2009

10-11-09 to 10-17-09

Saturday 10-17-09
What a day... 1st got hit with Kip scale tipper CH attack and took the Imitrex shot. Side affects of CH hit were the usual speech and thinking with the added eyeball jittering good time, NOT. Makes it hard to read when your eyeballs are jumping around in your head.

Then to top this day off...I was going to treat myself to a book I've been wanting to read and started to head to Barnes and Noble to pick up the book...Well I got the jeep started, turned on the windshield wipers and couldn't figure out why some of the water streaks weren't going away...GUESS what ... Those aren't water streaks. Some Asshole neighbor kids were out playing in the street,(not a good idea anyway) and so I was told, one of them kicked a soccer-ball and it bounced off my windshield cracking it. MY ASS KIDS, I know better, I've seen them kicking and throwing rocks in the past and a neighbor down the street not long ago had the same problem with a broken car window, due to thrown rocks by the same kids. One of the kids parents said they would foot the whole bill and let me know that it would be unlikely for me to get reimbursed by the other kids parents. The last incident with these same kids the one that actually did it, his parents refused to pay a dime and the "nice" neighbor guy paid it all. After dealing with the police (yes I called them) and the nice neighbor guy and the ins. co., the not so nice kids parents showed up (at least they did that much) he was rather nasty and said "I'm not paying for all this!" and "There is no proof my kid did it." Um lets see 3 witnesses say he did dude. By this time I was really pissed, I told him he'd be getting a bill from my ins. co. and slammed the door in his face after his wife made a threatening move towards me. Damn by this time the police were already gone and I was tired of dealing with assholes.

So now I have to take a day off work for estimates and repair, (that's going to make work real happy especially at this time of year, NOT). I will be paying out of pocket for this mess since the fee is smaller than my deductible, which is 500.00 at least I won't have to pay that much. Both parties involved will be getting a copy of my bill, we'll see who pays up.

Wednesday 10-14-09
I had another CH hit this evening was milder but still required abortive. Used the nasal (I hate that stuff) and probably should have taken a shot instead. Took too long for the nasal to work and by the time it did I was up to Kip 6 and in a lot pissier of a mood.

Sunday 10-11-09
Had nasty CH hit in the evening Kip 8 took Imitrex shot and a few min. later all was right with the world again, except for the usual CH side affects, screwed up speech, and thinking.


Mary B. said...

O my god you facing to much problem might be you alright .Wish you a luck and enjoy the Christmas.

Ginger S. said...

Thanks for the comment Mary B. although your grammar could use some work. :D

The link to the site from your name on your comment here, is rather worthless to a Cluster Headache sufferer though.

Given that the site you posted deals with "headaches" I am surprised that it doesn't even list in the side bar or have much information on the site about the worst kind of headache known to man, Cluster Headaches.

As you can tell my my reply to your comment, I pull no punches and speak what is on my mind.

Good luck with your/the site though.