Sunday, August 23, 2009

08-16-09 to 08-22-09

Well, it would have been a pain free week except for my own stupidity...

It was Monday or Tuesday can't remember which day now, it's been one of those LONG AZZ weeks. ANYWAY I had ordered some nice net lights to decorate a wall in my house with, they came in the mail one of those two days. It was 6pm and still 86 and very humid out and I decided they had to be hung now! Um MORON it's still 86 and humid as hell out and you have no air conditioning, did you really need to do it NOW ???

I paid the price, got over heated and had CH start to hit before I was done....
I was Kicking my self at the time. To top it off my children both have a habit of calling me on the same night sometimes at the same time, I swear they must call each other and plan this out LOL. So my son calls just as shadows of CH are starting and no, I wasn't done hang the net lights yet. I'm panting out of breath so I sit an chat with him for a minute or so then go back to hanging the lights. Then my daughter calls, I'm panting again when I race for the phone and hot as hell, shadows are more than just shadows at this point. I make it a quick call, with an explanation of what's going on and that I don't want to leave the job half done.

I get done plop down in my chair and look at my handy work...and promptly turn the lights off, start rocking and chugged some ice water. It was not too intense thank goodness (3 Kip) and was over when I finally starting cooling off.

My own damn fault but hey the lights look good.